Computer Room Air Conditioners

Many sales representatives, engineers, and owners may not fully understand the energy efficiency requirements for Computer Room Air Conditioners (CRAC). This support page includes information regarding the applicable Department of Energy (DOE), California Energy Commission (CEC), and Canadian Ontario Ministry of Energy (OME) standards. Should your local city or state government, Mechanical Engineer of Record (MEOR), or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) have different requirements from those listed herein, please first direct them to this website for review, and if needed, direct specific questions to Kyle Bergeron at AHRI.

CRAC units differ from ‘comfort cooling’ commercial air conditioners both in their intended use and in the way their energy efficiency performance is measured. Under ASHRAE Standard 127-2007, Sensible Cooling Capacity (not Total Cooling Capacity) is used to calculate a Sensible Coefficient of Performance, or SCOP. CRAC efficiencies are NOT represented by any other efficiency measurements such as IEER, EER, SEER, IPLV, or COP. Under AHRI Standard 1360-2017 (1361-2017), Net Sensible Cooling Capacity (not Total Cooling Capacity) is used to calculate a Net Sensible Coefficient of Performance.

EPA Energy Star

Not currently an Energy Star certified

Current Product Specifications:


In Development:


Applying for Energy Star:

To qualify a new product, contact an EPA-recognized Certification Body (CB) to have the product's performance certified. A list of EPA-recognized CBs, as well as an overview of EPA's third-party certification procedures, is available at Third-Party Certification. AHRI is an EPA-recognized CB. Email for more information.

More Information: