AHRI's Research and Statistics programs provide information and insight that drives the industry forward.

AHRI’s is a trusted source for HVACR and water heating industry data. The insight gained from the association’s research and statistics programs helps AHRI members, certification program participants, and industry stakeholders to make informed business decisions.

Research Programs at AHRI
Data and analysis to support industry policy development and decision making.
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U.S. Statistical Data
Information on industry scope, size and growth, and manufactured shipments for heating and cooling equipment.
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The Analytics App
Provides access to individual product performance data which can then be compared to the data of other participants in AHRI’s certification programs.
The Appendix M1 App
Calculates SEER, SEER2, HSPF, and HSPF2. Covers most compressor control types in AHRI 210/240 and DOE Appendix M and M1.