Commercial Boilers (CBLR)


Program Scope

Gas and oil-fired steam and hot water heating boilers with inputs ranging from 300 MBH to 2500 MBH, for which published ratings are available. Custom boilers are excluded from the program scope. Boiler models within a model series, or individual boiler models, having inputs over 2500 MBH may be included in the program at the participant’s option.

This program independently verifies:

Efficiency: Thermal Efficiency, %
Efficiency 2: Combustion Efficiency, %

The rules and procedures for obtaining and maintaining certification are detailed in the Resources section above. The specific Standard listed above details the technical requirements for rating and publishing your product performance, the AHRI General Operations Manual (OM) details the program operational rules that are generic to all of AHRI’s certification programs and lastly, the Product-specific Operations Manual provides the operational rules that are specific to this program along with the required documents and fees. Please ensure that you are familiar with the latest rules and procedures for this program.