Benefits of AHRI Membership
AHRI is one of the largest trade associations in the nation, representing more than 300 heating, water heating, ventilation, air conditioning, commercial refrigeration and water heater manufacturers within the global HVACR and water heating industry. AHRI’s 300+ member companies account for more than 90 percent of the residential and commercial air conditioning, space heating, water heating, commercial refrigeration, and water heating equipment manufactured and sold in North America.
Interested in becoming a member of AHRI? Watch the video to learn more.
Why Join?
AHRI members receive a discount on the licensing fee to participate in AHRI's world-class certification program. AHRI's globally recognized and industry respected certification program helps you, as equipment and component manufacturers, sell more products, win bids, differentiate yourselves from competitors, and comply with government requirements.
When specifiers and other decision makers see that your equipment bears the AHRI Certified® mark, it will provide them with the assurance that your equipment will perform accurately and consistently, thus helping you win more bids.
AHRI and its committees serve as a forum for the development of technical performance standards for industry equipment. AHRI standards establish rating criteria and procedures for measuring and certifying HVACR manufacturer’s efficiency and performance claims for their equipment. The AHRI standards process is accredited by both ANSI and SCC and as such AHRI is able to develop and approve American National Standards and National Standards Canada. AHRI is also active on several ISO committees in order to influence the content of international standards related to HVACR.
Both AHRI members and non-members are eligible to participate in the development of AHRI standards. A complete list of published AHRI standards may be found at and a list of current standards activities may be found at For information about specific standards or to participate in a standards activity please contact [email protected].
With more than 300 member companies, AHRI is one of the largest trade associations in the nation. We advocate on behalf of our members at all levels of government, and in all three branches - legislative, executive, and judicial. AHRI's government relations staff works closely with Congressional staff on legislation that impacts the industry.
AHRI represents our members in Washington, D.C., through active engagement with officials at federal agencies on regulatory proceedings that impact the industry. AHRI frequently comments on proposed rules, helps develop codes, and confers on regulations.
AHRI takes an active role in monitoring and influencing legislative and regulatory activities that affect all AHRI members. Our government relations staff works to ensure fair treatment for our industry and to identify opportunities to educate state policy makers about our industry's commitment to energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.
AHRI actively monitors federal, state and international legislative and regulatory activities related to the HVACR industry. Key issues include the environment, global competitiveness, and workforce development. Also, AHRI will actively serve as your liaison to other industry groups such as ASHRAE and the National Association of Manufacturers. Full members are eligible to sit on AHRI's Government Affairs Committee and are invited to attend AHRI's annual Public Policy Symposium.
AHRI acts as an impartial central agency for gathering individual company data and distributing it in summaries covering bookings, unit shipments, sales volume, manufacturer inventories, exports, efficiencies, and market information on trading area sales. Information is compiled in various reporting formats and distributed in aggregate form to participants in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual reports.
AHRI strives to keep its members informed about all that AHRI does on their behalf, as well as important happenings that affect the industry as a whole. AHRI offers our members only communications platform, AHRI Connect, a number of newsletters, including the AHRI Update, Policy Brief, and Executive Quick Read, so that members can stay up to date on policy, regulatory, certification, and international issues.
One of the most valuable benefits of AHRI membership is the opportunity to interact with other AHRI members. Opportunities include committee meetings, Industry Sector meetings, as well as the Annual and Spring meetings that typically draw upwards of 500 manufacturer and associate member representatives.
- AHR Expo is an annual trade show co-sponsored by AHRI and ASHRAE. It is one of the largest industry expos, drawing over 1,400 exhibitors and over 30,000 attendees each January.
- AHRI Annual Meeting is the premiere networking event of the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and commercial refrigeration manufacturing industry, addressing the most pressing issues of the industry. Each Annual Meeting is held in November and offers opportunities to learn about the top issues facing the industry, network with industry leaders, and participate in Industry Sector meetings.
- AHRI Spring Meeting is held each May, and offers industry leaders an opportunity to gather in Arlington, Va., to address industry-wide issues.
- Held each spring, the AHRI National Advocacy Conference offers AHRI members the opportunity to meet and interact directly with policy makers in Congress and key federal agencies, establishing and nurturing relationships that are essential to effectively communicating industry positions.
AHRI is committed to the development and maintenance of a strong industry workforce. Initiatives include AHRI's administration of the AHRI Rees Scholarship Foundation.
As an advocate for the HVACR industry, AHRI strives to recognize excellence within our community and make the public aware of our accomplishments. AHRI has an experienced public affairs staff that is recognized as a go-to authority on HVACR industry issues and certified product ratings. Staff also have strong relationships with trade media and maintains a website that is viewed by over 300,000 visitors a month — an industry source of information.
AHRI's website contains valuable members only content, accessible using your AHRI credentials.