AHRI Update

December 19, 2024

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AHRI to Host Educational Sessions at 2025 AHR Expo

AHRI is proud to co-sponsor the 2025 AHR Expo, which will be held at the Orange County Convention Center, in Orlando, Florida, from February 10-12. AHRI staff and working groups have organized nine different educational sessions covering some of the most significant topics in the industry.

A detailed description of each session is available here, and the schedule is below. Click here for the most up-to-date list of all education sessions being offered during the Expo.

Monday, February 10

Tuesday, February 11

Contact: Adanna Le Gendre.

Session Spotlight: Flammable Refrigerants (A2s and A3s) – What You Need to Know

Every week leading up to the 2025 AHR Expo, AHRI will be highlighting one of the educational sessions organized by our staff and working groups. During the session “Flammable Refrigerants (A2s and A3s) – What You Need to Know,” AHRI Vice President of Research, Xudong Wang, will participate in a panel to discuss the regulatory landscape regarding “ultra-low GWP” refrigerants.

While the transition to A2L refrigerants is not complete, some policymakers at the state and federal level are already discussing a follow-on transition to even lower-GWP refrigerants that ASHRAE currently categorizes as A3 (flammable). The panel will cover the current state of the conversation in states and the federal government, the potential path toward the widespread use of A3s, and how that transition could impact technician training and safety.

The panel will be moderated by Rajan Rajendran with Five Rivers Consulting and will feature, in addition to Wang, Brian Rodgers, Principal Engineer of Product Safety with UL Solutions; Kashif Nawaz, Section Head of Building Technologies with Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and Jim VerShaw, Chairman of ASHRAE Standard 15.2 for Refrigeration Systems in Residential Applications. The session will take place on Monday, February 10 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in room W311EF of the Orange County Convention Center. Contact: Adanna Le Gendre.

AHRI Encourages Members to Sign Support Letter for 25C Tax Credits

AHRI encourages member companies and industry leaders to share their support for the continuation of the 25C Homeowner Energy Efficiency Tax Credits, which have enjoyed widespread manufacturer and contractor support since their implementation as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. With significant changes coming to Congress in the coming months, now is the time to present a united front to protect the measures that have strengthened and expanded these credits. 

These hard-fought gains are now at risk. The incoming Congress plans to pass a $5 trillion tax bill, and the tax writers are looking for ways to partially pay for its cost. The energy efficiency tax credits are on the list for potential elimination.  If our industry values the improved 25C tax credit, we must be loud and persistent in opposing its elimination.

Accordingly, we are asking member companies to support an effort by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association to present a letter of support to the Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means. The letter is available here, and member companies can sign on in support here. Contact: Samantha Slater.

AHRI/ Industry News

AHRI President & CEO Participates in RETHINK Live Event

On December 12, AHRI President and CEO Stephen Yurek participated in an event for Danfoss’ RETHINK Live, which is a series of virtual discussions that cover the most pressing issues in the global HVACR industry. Yurek participated in a panel session titled, “Shaping the Future of HVACR – Impact of U.S. Elections and New EC Priorities,” which focused on the challenges and opportunities in the U.S. and European markets following recent elections. Attended by nearly 300 people, the event offered the platform for OEMs, consultants, contractors, and policymakers to take a more in-depth look at potential shifts in policy and regulations that could impact refrigerant transitions, energy efficiency standards, and trade dynamics.

The discussion was moderated by Danfoss’s Head of Global Public Affairs Andrea Voigt and, in addition to Yurek, featured Russell Patten, the Director General of the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE). Contact: Francis Dietz.

Save the Dates for AHRI’s 2025 Events!

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AHRI is excited to share a lineup of valuable, dynamic events scheduled to take place in the first half of 2025. Designed to prepare you for the year ahead, each event provides a specific focus to strengthen your industry connections, advocacy planning, and government affairs efforts.

See below for the dates, locations, and a brief description of the upcoming events. 

AHR Expo
February 10-12, 2025 | Orlando, Florida | Register Here 

AHRI is a proud co-sponsor of the AHR Expo, which is the world’s largest HVACR marketplace event, hosting more than 1,800 exhibitors and 50,000 attendees annually. AHRI invites attendees to visit us at booth 3300 in the Orange County Convention Center West Building in Orlando, Florida, where we will provide the latest information and insight into association and industry matters.

AHRI State Summit
April 29-30, 2025 | Albany, New York | Registration Opens February 27

The AHRI State Summit provides the opportunity for AHRI members to represent our industry before state government officials and to communicate its positive impact on jobs and the economy, energy efficiency, innovation, health and safety, and the environment. The AHRI Government Affairs team puts members in touch with representatives from legislative offices, regulatory agencies, and environmental and other organizations to engage in constructive dialogue and networking.

This year's summit will take place in New York state, offering the opportunity for members to make their voices heard on critical issues such as HFC regulations, state climate goals, and the current regulatory landscape. 

AHRI Policy Symposium
May 19-21, 2025 | Washington, DC | Registration Opens March 4 

The Policy Symposium is a unique opportunity for members of all backgrounds and company sizes, with participation by our friends in the distributor and contractor communities, to communicate our industry’s legislative and regulatory priorities with key congressional representatives. This meeting is also the perfect opportunity to build relationships and to acquaint new and emerging leaders with critical industry issues, offering insight from government officials, media, and key players in energy and environmental policy.

The Symposium culminates with AHRI-coordinated meetings with legislators and staff on Capitol Hill to discuss pressing industry issues such as the refrigerant transition, Department of Energy regulations, decarbonization, and more.

More details on these events will follow after the new year. Contact: AHRI Events

Legislative and Regulatory

Save the Date for AHRI Regulatory Webinars

Join AHRI's Government Affairs staff in January as they lead a series of webinars designed to prepare you for the changing regulatory landscape of a new administration and Congress. Several key deadlines are already scheduled to take place in 2025, and we anticipate a busy year during the transition of power in Washington, DC. 

Our lineup, listed below, will focus on the most pressing issues, featuring experts to help you develop your advocacy plans and determine your next steps.

Understanding the Congressional Review Act and Other Exotic Tools of Congress
January 7, 2025
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST
Register Here

This webinar is Part One of the series, "Preparing for an Incoming Administration," and will focus on the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which can be used by Congress to overturn agency actions, including major rules, nonmajor rules, and interim final rules. "Understanding the Congressional Review Act and Other Exotic Tools of Congress" will provide an in-depth explanation of the CRA process, mechanism, and outlook for HVACR and water heating-related rulemakings under the incoming administration.

The CRA is often used during transitions that involve a shift in party power. For example, during President Donald Trump's first administration, the Republican Congress invoked the CRA to overturn 16 rules issued by the Obama administration, and at the beginning of the Biden administration, the Democratic Congress overturned three rules issued by the Trump administration. Knowing this, we anticipate that under the new Trump administration, the Republican Congress is likely to invoke the CRA and overturn rules issued by the Biden administration.

In general, any rule published after August 1, 2024, may be a target of the CRA and it’s important for businesses to understand the implications and how the HVACR and water heating industry may be affected. This webinar will feature two speakers with decades of experience in navigating complicated, complex federal and legislative processes. 

  • Joseph Brazauskas, Senior Counsel, Bracewell
  • Scott Segal, Partner, Bracewell

Let’s Talk About Tariffs and Trade Under the Second Trump Administration
January 14, 2025
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST
Register Here

In Part Two of the webinar series, "Preparing for an Incoming Administration," we will take a deeper dive into how potential trade changes could impact AHRI member companies. "Let's Talk About Tariffs and Trade Under the Second Trump Administration" will serve as both a preview and a refresher, focusing on past tariff actions, actions taken during the Biden Administration, and what to anticipate in the second Trump Administration.

Throughout his campaign, President-elect Trump mentioned additional tariffs as a cornerstone of his trade policy and is expected by many to act on Day One of his administration. As part of its trade agenda, the first Trump Administration (2017-2021) placed numerous tariffs on multiple industries beginning in 2018, including the Section 301 tariffs on imports from China and Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, which were maintained and to some degree expanded by the Biden administration.

To evaluate the impact on the HVACR and water heating industry, our team of experts will cover a long list of topics regarding tariffs, including the legal mechanisms to enact them, the role of Congress, possible legal challenges, timelines, purpose, duration, targeted countries/products (China vs. ROW, immediate goods vs. finished goods, etc.), potential retaliation, implications on tax policy, and effects on inflation, to name a few.

We will be joined by the following speakers for this session: 

  • Liam Donovan, Senior Political Strategist, Bracewell
  • Paul Nathanson, Senior Partner, Bracewell
  • Josh Zive, Senior Partner, Bracewell

PFAS Reporting Requirements and Regulatory Trends
January 29, 2025
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST
Register Here

As we enter 2025, it is time to prepare for PFAS regulatory reporting deadlines and requirements that will become effective at both the state and federal levels. However, the dissonance of these highly technical regulations between the states and the Environmental Protection Agency is creating compliance confusion and unnecessary regulatory burden that manufacturers must resolve to meet their reporting obligations. Join us to hear from two experts as they provide recommendations for best practices and their analysis on the impact of proposed and final PFAS regulatory reporting requirements on the HVACR and water heating industry.

Our panelists, listed below, have extensive experience with both the chemicals industry and regulatory field:

  • Anna Karakitsos, Senior Government Affairs Advisor, Bracewell
  • Kyle Spencer, Principal, Bracewell

Contact: Makenzie Horrigan.

AHRI Submits Letter Requesting Amendment to New Jersey “Extended Producer Responsibility” (EPR) Bill

On December 9, AHRI submitted a letter of opposition, unless amended, to New Jersey SB 3398, the “Packaging Product Stewardship Act,” which would establish an EPR program in New Jersey and require producers of packaging waste to join a “Producer Responsibility Organization” (PRO) within two years of the effective date of the act, and pay a fee based on the amount of packaging waste each company is entering into the state. 

AHRI’s letter requested several amendments, including:

  • a clear exemption pathway for storage, transport, health, and safety reasons for packaging,
  • the recognition of alternative compliance pathways,
  • harmonization of administrative and reporting requirements with similar EPR laws in other states, and,
  • establishment of a singular covered materials list across these states. 

AHRI also argued in favor of sharing the cost of the program across the supply chain instead of targeting manufacturers, and requested exemptions for de minimis packaging amounts and low-volume producers.

The New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee held a hearing regarding the bill on December 12, where it determined the bill would be laid over until January 6, 2025, due to remaining issues that need to be addressed. Contact: Chris Bresee.

EPA Releases ENERGY STAR Draft Test Method on Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Low-Ambient Temperature Performance

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) recently released for public comment ENERGY STAR Draft Test Method to Determine Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Low-Ambient Temperature Heating Mode Performance. The deadline to submit comments by email to [email protected] is December 30. Contact: Nicole Colantonio.

AHRI Members Encouraged to Comment on ASME BPVC Section VIII Scope Proposal

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is considering a scope change to its Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, that would eliminate long-standing exemptions for certain equipment manufactured by AHRI’s member companies. The change, if successfully implemented, removes key exemptions that the HVACR and water heating industry has successfully covered with its own codes and standards for decades, and would alter the way relevant standards and codes interact with, and are interpreted by, jurisdictions. Comments are due Tuesday, December 31.

In addition to the comments that AHRI will submit, AHRI encourages all member companies to submit their own public comments to illustrate how this change will impact their business and operations. AHRI has prepared a document with a list of key talking points and instructions for how to submit a public comment. Read AHRI’s white paper on the topic, HVACR Equipment Represents Performance and Safety, here. Contact: Tom Deary.


AHRI Welcomes New Certification Program Participants

AHRI is pleased to welcome the following companies to its certification programs:

  • Chemours Company LLC – Louisville, KY – Refrigerant Testing Laboratory (RTL) Certification Program
  • THAI AUSNOR COMPANY LIMITED – Forced Circulation Air-Cooling & Air-Heating Coils (ACHC) Certification Program 
  • UNTES Isitma Klima Sogutma San. Tic. A.S. – Central Station Air-Handling Unit Supply Fans (AHU) Certification Program
  • Zhejiang Xingchang Fan Co., Ltd. – Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHP) Certification Program

Contact: Bill Tritsis.


AHRI Publishes New  Standard

After approval by both the Commercial Unitary Standards Technical Committee (STC) and the Standards Committee (StdC), AHRI has published the new AHRI Standard 1365-2024 (SI/I-P), Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Condensing Units. Contact: Antonio Romeo.

AHRI Standard Open for Public Review and Comment

Technical Review

AHRI invites public comments on the technical content of the following draft AHRI standard. Based upon comments received, the Air Handling and Distribution STC will decide whether to make changes. A copy of the draft and the list of revisions is available through the document’s link, listed below.

Document Designation/Title: AHRI Standard 1350-202x (SI/I-P), Mechanical Performance Rating of Central Station Air-Handling Unit Casings
STC: Air Handling and Distribution
Public Review Deadline: January 1, 2025
Contact: Benjamin Heyser

Weekly Update from ASHRAE, ANSI, and SCC

This week’s summary of standards activities at ASHRAE, ANSI, and SCC that are relevant to AHRI’s work is available here. Current and previous standards activities for ASHRAE can be found here. Current and previous standards activities for ANSI can be found here.


East/Gulf Coast Port Dockworker Strike Looms; AHRI Signs Joint Association Letter

Another strike is possible for East/Gulf Coast ports if the parties cannot finalize a new contract by January 15, five days before President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. With less than four weeks left before the deadline, some container vessels already on their way to 36 East/Gulf coast ports from Maine to Texas could be affected, leaving them no alternative but to drop anchor and form a queue, should a strike take place when they arrive.

On December 6, AHRI, along with 267 federal, state, and local trade associations, sent a letter to the International Longshoremen’s Association and the U.S. Maritime Alliance, urging them to “resume negotiations and remain at the table until a new contract is reached” before the deadline. Having agreed on a 62 percent wage increase to end the three-day strike in October, press reports indicate the port employers and dockworker unions remain split on the issue of port automation and modernization technology. Contact: Michael LaGiglia. 

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